Manufacturer - Distributor for private individuals
Automatons, mechanisms and music boxes

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Respecting the tradition

Following the way of the biggest French creators of music boxes of the 19th century, Lutèce Créations wants to produce high quality music boxes at competitive prices. Thanks to our expertise in manufacturing music boxes and our respect of the tradition, our customers and collectors can appreciate the aesthetic and acoustic qualities of our products.
Thanks to our production centers in Italy and France we can achieve this goal. Always new, original and successful models are regularly offered to our customers, because their satisfaction is for us an extremely important source of motivation and an encouragement in a continuous improvement of our product.

Types of wood

Veneering of music box covers
The structure of each music box, whose body and cover are created with the same type of wood, has a resonance quality which is very close to the kind of wood used in the manufacturing of some musical instruments like the guitar, the violin and so on. Therefore, the acoustic rendition is clear and brilliant.
In the veneering process we use national and exotic types of wood, carefully selected on the basis of the appearance and the elegance of their colors.
Inlay patterns which decorate music box covers are made in real wood and are traditionally manufactured. The colors, absent on a veneered surface, are added by a coloring process. Shadows are produced by using hot sand with traditional methods.
The inside space is covered with bright red velvet. Jewelry music boxes have an empty compartment and an interior ring bar.
Stages of the manufacturing

Creation of the music box body

Inlay manufacturing process

Smoothing of the music box body



Inlaying of the velvet

Finish: inserting of the mechanism

Quality control


30-note musical movement
Lutèce Créations
A sweet music
Our music boxes are provided with 18, 30 and 50-note musical movements. 18 and 30-note music boxes play just one tune while 50-note music boxes play two. During a short period of time, we will also produce 78 and 158-note music boxes.

Great attention is paid to the production of these music boxes in order to avoid excess noise such as creaks which often occur in these types of products.
We propose to you a wide range of classical tunes ("Eine kleine Nachtmusik" by Mozart, "Waltz" by Brahms, "Waltz of flowers" by Tchaikovsky and so on) as well as modern tunes of French and foreign popular songs ("La mer" by Charles Trenet, "La Javanaise" by Serge Gainsbourg, "Yesterday" by John Lennon and Mac Cartney, "Love me tender" by Elvis Presley and so on).

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Price NOT : 10.83 €

Price AIOT : 13.00 €

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+33 (0)1 42 22 91 73

T.I.L. PRODUCTIONS 103, rue de Sèvres Galerie Commerciale Le Sévrien 75006 PARIS Tél. : +33 (0)1 42 22 91 73