Manufacturer - Distributor for private individuals
Automatons, mechanisms and music boxes

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T.I.L. Productions SARL
Trade Registration Number:
R.C.S. Paris B 407 484 112 APE : 921 B

Production of videofilms about automatons and mechanical music.
Creation and manufacture of music boxes, musical mechanisms and automatons.

Would you like to be aware of the quality of our music boxes and automatons ? Feel free to come and visit us in our shop in Paris everyday from 10:30 am to 7:00 pm (except the mondays and tuesdays : from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm) and from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm on saturdays.

Philippe SAYOUS has a passion for the world of automatons and music boxes. He designed this website to pay a tribute to talented artisans who can perfectly arouse emotions with the poetry, the child grace and the charm they put into music boxes and high quality automatons.

French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin at TIL Productions' stand The French Prime Minister seems to be specially interested in books about automatons.

Philippe SAYOUS : Producer and director
General Manager of T.I.L. Productions - Law Graduate of the University of Paris X Nanterre. Graduate of the International Institute of Images and Sound. First Prizewinner of documentary films. Lecturer at IGS-ISCPA, Visuel Formations and Local Authorities.

R. TIERGO Artist - draughtswoman - pastellist - portraitist - illustrator
Palmes of the International Academy of Contemporain Arts in Belgium Silver Medal of the Arts, Sciences and Litterature Academy.

Showing of the film Robert-Houdin with Jean-Luc Muller the director and Pierre Switon  who plays  the role of Robert-Houdin. Showing of the film Robert-Houdin in the city of  Blois with Jean-Luc Muller, Pierre Switon and Philippe Sayous.

Professionals , request our catalog at


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Price AIOT : 13.00 €

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+33 (0)1 42 22 91 73

T.I.L. PRODUCTIONS 103, rue de Sèvres Galerie Commerciale Le Sévrien 75006 PARIS Tél. : +33 (0)1 42 22 91 73